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Curious Web

Golf Balls: Bernie Madoff Sleazeballs

Bernie Madoff Golf Balls inspired by Bernie Madoff … he’s the man …

Responsible for the largest and longest Ponzi scheme in history
Scammed everyone from the richest to the poorest resulting in losses of over $50 Billion
Stole from his own family and even charities
Lavishly lived a life of lies on other peoples money for 20 years

On top of all that, he was still able to walk around with a smirk on his face […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-11-2009 Archive

12 dead: Gunman Michael McLendon, 28, kills 11 and self in Coffee and Geneva Counties »»» 15 dead: Tim Kretschmer, 17, kills 14 near Stuttgart, Germany »»» Robert Royko, 45, son of Mike Royko pleaded guilty for attempted bank robbery »»» Illinois unemployment hits 7.9% »»» Market Holding Steady at 6930.40 »»» FDA issues peanut safety guidelines for foodmakers »»» Minneapolis Somali-Americans Recruited for Al-Qaeda-Linked Group »»» FBI: online chat rooms used to recruit? At least a dozen missing Somali worshipped at Abubakar As-Saddique mosque »»» Kucinich questions Citigroup’s $8 billion financing to Dubai & Bank of America’s $7 billion investment in China Construction Bank Corp; Kashkari warns against government micromanaging »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3-10-2009 Archive

DJI up over 300 points »»» Second fatal terrorist attack in Northern Ireland: Policeman killed after two British soldiers killed Saturday »»» Gary Sinise, executive producer of “Brothers at War,” criticizes De Palma’s “Redacted” »»» Ali Al-Marri, sleeper agent in court for first time after 6 years in prison »»» Rasmussen Reports: Obama disapproval rating among Republicans doubles since inauguration »»» Dakotas, Minnesota hit by blizzard while Midwest rivers rise »»» FLOOD WARNING for Des Plaines River, Fox River, Iroquis River, Kankakee River, Vermillion River »»» Trial set Oct 27 with new charges: David Kernell, accused of hacking Sarah Palin’s email account pleads not guilty »»» […]

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* FRONTPAGE * 3/9/2009 Archive

U.S., South Korea conduct war games while North Korea issues warning about attacks on its missile test »»» Obama: End of stem cell research ban a scientific decision based on fact, not ideology. Opponents: day marks defeat of morality »»» DJI 6547.05 (-79.89) »»» China: U.S. naval ship was conducting illegal surveying activities. U.S. protest unprofessional maneuvers, harrassment by Chinese Navy »»» Jim Cramer: Obama team thin-skinned, Frank Rich & Jon Stewart manipulate sound bite to promote urban legend »»» Martha Stewart’s puppy and 16 other dogs killed by propane gas explosion at Pennsylvania kennel »»» Quaker Oats begins “Go Humans Go” campaign »»» […]