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CARDINAL NEWS Advertising Solutions
The Cardinal — Arlingtoncardinal.com offers highly visible ads for local businesses, professionals, politicians, Instagram influencers, Facebook business pages, Facebook group pages, clubs and organizations.

CARDINAL NEWS ads provide superior displays and opportunities with high visibility. About 75 percent of viewers access CARDINAL NEWS from mobile devices, so CARDINAL NEWS ad offers and ad inventory prioritize mobile ad space. Advertisers’ cost for ads is offered at a flat rate that is targeted to offer ads at $2.50 to $5.00 CPM or better using the CPM model (advertiser’s cost per 1,000 impressions). Advertisers do not have to worry about inflated clicks that are offered in the CPC model (advertiser’s cost per click) because there are no unexpected costs. Advertisers using the CPM model also do not have to worry about click fraud (fraudulent clicks by competitors to deliberately drive up ad costs, bad geo-location placement such as ads for Arlington, Virginia or Arlington, Texas instead of Arlington Heights in Illinois).

Following is an explanation of ads for mobile devices or smartphones.

Three ad SIZES are available on mobile, and four ad POSITIONS are available on mobile views for local advertisers (the fourth position is only available on the mobile FRONT PAGE). As a major advertiser appearing on the 300×250 size, you also appear on ad positions offering a 320×100 and 320×50 ad size.

Ad SIZES available …

300×250* pixels
320×100** pixels
320X50** pixels

*The 300×250 ad size is also displayed in the sidebar of desktop or notebook Mac/PC computers and usually tablets. The smaller ad sizes might not appear on the desktop or notebook Mac/PC displays.

**On smaller smartphone displays that only allow 300 pixel width, 320-width ads are reduced proportionately to a 300-pixel width.

Ad SPACES available:

Local advertiser ads are available at or near the top of article pages and the front page for high visibility. The ad spaces are designed to be viewer friendly with attractive promotions so that advertisers are in good company with other advertisers that enhance viewers’ lifestyles.

Ad space fills the entire 300×250 space above the article title. This ad space provides the best exposure. The space is actually 300×280, allowing for additional details or configurations.

Ad space fills a portion of the vertical height (using a 320×100 or 320×50 ad) and is shared with other non-directly competitive ads above the article title in the .

Ad space fills the entire 320×100 space just below the article title.

Ad space fills one-half of the vertical space and shares space 50-50 as each ad size is 320×50 just below the article title.

NOTE: A very small number of utility pages or some informative pages do not display ads.

Three ad options are available on the FRONT PAGE, and all four ad options are available on an inside NEWS POST or ARTICLE PAGE. An important distinction exists between the FRONT PAGE and an NEWS POST or ARTICLE PAGE. [AD ORDER FORM] [PAYMENT]

[1] Daily viewers (return visitors) often go directly to the FRONT PAGE to browse the latest news from The Cardinal. These loyal viewers return daily and sometimes two or three times per day.

[2] Referred viewers are referred from search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo! and often land on an inside ARTICLE PAGE, but sometimes land on the FRONT PAGE. Referred viewers also often land on an inside article via Facebook referrals from their friends or Facebook referrals from official Cardinal news feeds on Facebook. Referred viewers also often arrive from Twitter via a shared tweet or re-tweet or from Twitter feeds from our official Twitter accounts. Last but not least, many referred viewers arrive on an inside ARTICLE POST from a traditional e-mail.

The Cardinal’s Page Views ranged from 170,000 per month to 335,000 per month (6,000 to 10,000 per day) during the period from July 2013 to June 2014.

Any ad can be linked to the front page of a website, a company’s Facebook page, or to a special offer or coupon page.

If you have any questions or would like to place an ad, please call 847-398-0123 or send a Facebook message to one of our official pages at …



Ad fees (advance payment required) are currently $30 per month at a flat rate for a CPM of $2.50 to $5.00 or better (lower CPM rate).

The minimum order is one month. If you are ordering for a short-day month with 28, 29, or 30 days, The Cardinal will allow 31 days, if space is available.

If you have an upcoming event that is less than one month away, call 847-398-0123 for information. You will still be required to pay the monthly rate, but if there is space available and depending on conditions, you might be able to acquire more ad space shares for your shortened period.

These calculations are subject to slight changes, but are published to provide a general understanding of CPM value.

TOP 300×250 AD SPACE
Following are calculations for Adspace that is shared with a total of approximately 9 other advertisers. Your large Adspace shared with 9 other advertisers alternates 50-50 with a multi-ad configuration, where your smaller 320×100 or 320×50 ad also appears.

3,000 pageviews = 1,500 impressions x 0.1 = 150
6,000 pageviews = 3,000 impressions x 0.1 = 300
8,000 pageviews = 4,000 impressions x 0.1 = 400
10,000 pageviews = 5,000 impressions x 0.1 = 500
50,000 pageviews = 25,000 impressions x 0.1 = 2500

TOP 320×100 AD SPACE
Calculation for Adspace that is shared at least 10 times in rotation with approximately 90 other ads.

3,000 pageviews X 10/100 = 300 impressions
6,000 pageviews X 10/100 = 600 impressions
8,000 pageviews X 10/100 = 800 impressions
10,000 pageviews X 10/100 = 1000 impressions
50,000 pageviews X 10/100 = 5000 impressions

Example for 3,000 pageviews (150 + 300 = 450) X 30.5 days/month = 13725 pageviews per month

13725 X .75 (mobile percentage) = 10293.75

$30 for 10,293.75 pageviews = $2.91 per 1,000 pageviews (CPM)

Orders can be taken by form [AD ORDER FORM].

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