Small Fire in Grill Ducting Temporarily Closes Burger King Wheeling

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A small fire ignited in the hood ducting system in the attic of the Burger King in Wheeling early Thursday morning. All employees evacuated safely, and no injuries were reported.

Police, firefighters, and paramedics responded about 4:54 a.m. Thursday, January 9, 2025 to an activated fire alarm at the Burger King, 425 West Dundee Road in Wheeling.

Wheeling Engine 42 on arrival reported a light haze inside the building with employees standing outside the smoke-filled building, according to the Wheeling Fire Department.

A small fire started in the hood system above the grill and spread to the attic and roof area, according to the fire department. Firefighters extinguished the flames with a hose and a pump can.

The fire call was upgraded to a working fire response at about 5:09 p.m. Buffalo Grove Tower 25 was assigned to assist with the call. The fire was declared extinguished by 5:29 p.m.

The cause of the fire is under investigation, officials said.

The restaurant was closed temporarily until the Wheeling Health Department can inspect the restaurant, and if any repairs were necessary. The Burger King on Dundee Road in Wheeling normally is a 24-hour operation

Prospect Heights firefighters and Wheeling police assisted with traffic control and crowd control on the scene.

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