Dog Killed as Coyotes Reach a Troublesome Stage in Wheaton, Sightings Rare in Arlington Heights

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Coyote November 2010
Coyote sighted at Memory Gardens Cemetery on East Euclid Avenue in Arlington Heights on Saturday, November 20, 2010. Compare to the appearance of a fox in the video below.

The City of Wheaton has reported to its citizens that a small dog was fatally attacked in the 100 block of South Gables on the early evening of November 19, 2010. The dog was outside in its owner’s residential yard for less than 20 minutes. The dog owner went outdoors to check on the dog and found the dog deceased in the neighbor’s yard.

No persons observed the actual attack, but a coyote was observed in the vicinity shortly after the police arrived. It is possible that a coyote was responsible for the attack on the small dog. The City of Wheaton had enacted a coyote policy earlier in November.

Man Walking Dog Reports Coyote Is Stalking Him …
Man reported he and his dog were stalked by a coyote near Whitehall and Walnut in the Lake Terramere subdivision about 1:25 a.m. Wednesday, September 29, 2010.

Captured: Two Coyotes Run Across the Track at Arlington Park Racetrack …
Two coyotes captured on a racing day just before 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cougar, Yes, a Cougar was Shot in Chicago Roscoe Village …
A fully-grown cougar was shot about 5:30 p.m. Monday April 14, 2010.

Coyote Cools Off at Quizno’s, Chicago …
Coyote walked into Quiznos at 37 East Adams Street in downtown Chicago in April 2007.

Dog killed by coyote in Arlington Heights in 2006 (no reference)

Coyotes Cause Trouble at O’Hare …
Coyotes near runways removed Feburary 25, 2007

Seven Coyotes Removed from Arlington Heights …
Trapper hired — removed Spring 2006 near Route 53 and Rand Road

Stages of Troublesome Coyote Behavior

1. An increase in observing coyotes on streets and in yards at night

2. An increase in coyotes approaching adults and/or taking pets at night

3. Early morning and late afternoon daylight observance of coyotes on streets and in parks and yards

4. daylight observance of coyotes chasing or taking pets

5. Coyotes attacking and taking pets on a leash or in close proximity to owners; coyotes chasing joggers, bicyclists and other adults

6. Coyotes seen in and around children’s play areas, school ground and parks in midday

7. Coyotes acting aggressively toward adult during midday

Most municipalities or other governing agencies consider taking some of action to re-
move problem coyotes, or otherwise reduce the risk of human safety, once stages 4 and
5 are reached.

There are five factors known to increase the chance of coyote/human conflicts

1. An attractive, resource-rich suburban
environment that provides sources of
food, shelter and water to attract coyotes

2. Human acceptance or indifference to
coyote presence

3. Lack of understanding of coyote
ecology and behavior, particularly when
coyote habituation progresses to aggres-
sive behavior toward humans

4. Intentional feeding

5. Cessation of predator management
programs to selectively remove problem

The City of Wheaton has developed the following Coyote Management Plan (Coyote Policy.pdf) published on their official website —

If Coyotes are occasionally seen at night, more rarely during dusk and dawn, are occasional howling; then the action plan includes citizen education, prohibit/limit feeding of wildlife, using negative stimuli (hazing) for coyotes, such as shouting, chasing, and throwing objects at the coyotes (experts advise against cornering the coyotes or hazing when they are with young coyotes).

If coyotes are occasionally seen during the day, frequently seen at night, an occasional house cat disappears; then citizen education, signage will be posted that prohibits/limits feeding of wildlife, warns that free-ranging pets are at risk, and recommends use negative stimuli (hazing) for coyotes such as shouting, chasing, throwing objects at the coyotes.

If Coyotes are frequently seen during the day, appearing in yards on an increasing basis, but they
flee when approached by people, pets in yards are attacked; then a trapper is hired to track coyotes leading to feeders, supervising of pets is recommended, a removal program is considered, in addition to the steps mentioned above.

If coyotes taking pets from yards, approaching people without fear, acting aggressively, growling and barking when subjected to a negative stimuli (hazing), and following children; then a removal program will be initiated in addition to the steps mentioned above.

The City of Wheaton is also organizing hazing volunteers, training city personnel, and creating a centralized database utilizing GPS technologies to inform the public about coyote incident activity.

How does a fox look compared to a coyote?

Fox video walking through Arlington Heights.

Coyotes are larger animals with longer legs and a bigger rib cage area. Foxes have larger heads, larger ears and bushier tails. Foxes are not as aggressive as coyotes.

Coyote Memory Gardens November 2010
   More coyote pictures …

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1 Comment

  1. I have seen a coyote in Arlington Heights several times this fall, as have many of my neighbors. It has been within a block of Ridge and Eastman each time. My small dog growled and lunged at it. This did not seem to irrate the coyote or anything; it continue to walk along the yards… It is unsettling to have coyotes around the neighborhood, though.

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