Apartment Fire on Briar Court Near Dempster St, Unincorporated Des Plaines

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North Maine Fire Protection District firefighter/paramedics responded about 4:02 p.m. Monday February 3, 2020 to an activated fire alarm at an apartment at 8810 Briar Court. Firefighters upon arrival suspected a fire behind a wall or walls in the apartment building.

About 4:23 p.m. Battalion 1 reported they were chasing a possible fire in the wall and said smoke was showing from the top floor. Niles Engine 2 was assigned to respond as an additional engine. A short time later, firefighter/paramedics from Des Plaines and Park Ridge were dispatched mutual aid.

Some dark smoke was reported out the back side of the apartment building about 4:26 p.m. Battalion 1 upgraded the call to a confirmed working fire by about 4:45 p.m. Firefighters from Morton Grove, Mount Prospect, Niles, Park Ridge, Skokie, and additional firefighters from Des Plaines were assigned.

The fire was declared under control at 4:58 p.m. by North Maine fire command. The is under investigation.

The information in this article is an early report published before any summary information was confirmed or released by police or fire authorities.


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