Waukegan Firefighters Quickly Extinguish Two Separate House Fires, Preventing Major Damage

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Waukegan firefighters and paramedics responded to two separate fires in Waukegan in a three-day time period, and prevented major damage by quickly extinguishing both fires. In both single-family residential fire incidents, residents were able to remain living in their homes.

On Saturday, January 4, 2025, about 9:30 p.m., firefighters extinguished a structure fire in the block of 2700 West Greenwood Avenue in Waukegan. Upon arrival firefighters discovered flames and smoke from a garage attached to a single-family home. The occupants escaped without any injuries reported. Waukegan firefighters stopped the fire within the attached garage. A wood-burning stove in the garage is the focus of fire investigators.

On Tuesday, January 7, 2025, about 11:30 a.m., a neighbor reported a fire in a neighbor’s chimney in the block of 3300 Victoria Lane, and Waukegan Fire Department and Newport Fire Protection District firefighters and paramedics responded, and quickly extinguished a chimney fire at the home. All occupants and pets evacuated safely without injuries reported. The home was not damaged, but the chimney sustained an estimated $15,000 worth of damage.



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