Facebook users wrote comments on the City of Highland Park’s own official Facebook page expressing concern and criticism toward the city for lack of information while a suspect was apparently at large following a shooting in the block of 2300 Green Bay Road on Highland Park’s north side. The shooting scene was located near the border with Highwood — also around 800 feet northwest of Highland Park High School.

Here is the Original Post from the City of Highland Park, which wasn’t posted until 1:05 p.m. Sunday, August 13, 2023 (Over 90 minutes after the shooting) …
“On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at approximately 11:30 AM, the City of Highland Park Police Department responded to a report of a shooting that occurred on the 2300 block of Green Bay Road. One individual was shot and transported to the hospital.
The scene has been secured. Individuals are asked to please avoid the 2300 block of Green Bay Road to allow the investigation to proceed.
Highland Park Police requested assistance from the Lake County Major Crimes Task Force. Preliminary investigation indicates that this was a conflict between two individuals. The male suspect reportedly fled on a bicycle dressed in all black. Individuals with information regarding this incident should call 911. Further information will be shared when available at cityhpil.com.”
The City of Highland Park made no mention of whether police assessed that the suspect had left the area, or whether the suspect was at large in the area. Police operations observed by neighbors and reported by neighbors indicated they were operating in a manner that the shooter may still have been in the area.
A person who lives in the area wrote on the City of Highland Park’s Facebook page, “I was told they (police) are checking IDs, and searching peoples cars who are trying to get on and off their streets. My dad was stopped going to the grocery store. I am not home currently, but my family is. I want to know what is going on, and if it’s safe for my family to be home. And when I can return home without hassle.”
The person added, “they say they’re still investigating. But there’s potentially still someone in our neighborhood welding a gun, and shooting a child. And nothing has been publicly announced. It’s very unnerving.”
Another commenter said, “i agree. This is nuts that we have had no guidance from the city. There are police searching with dogs right by my home so I am assuming its not safe but shouldn’t have to assume anything.”
Another commenter criticized the lack of physical description of the suspect, “‘Wearing black’ is hardly helpful.”
On WGN’s YouTube channel, someone commented, “So she said she got a glimpse of the suspect?? …but no description of suspect ??? ….right (sarcasm).”
Another wrote … “The Invisible Man, dressed in black, left on a bike.”
Another wrote … “Very interesting no description of the shooter.”
One other commenter criticized the city’s threat assessment posted on their official Facebook paged which was included with a 5:15 p.m. update, “There is no known threat to the community.” The commenter responded, “If there is a killer on the loose with a gun I would say there is a threat to the community.”
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City of Highland Park Update, 5:15 PM:
“On August 13, 2023, at approximately 11:30 a.m., Highland Park Police Officers responded to the 2300 block of Green Bay Road for a report of a person shot. Highland Park Police and Fire arrived and located the victim, a 16-year-old male of Highwood. The victim was transported to Highland Park hospital and pronounced deceased at the hospital.
Highland Park Police established a large perimeter around the scene in an attempt to locate the offender. Witnesses described the offender as a male, dressed in all black, and on a bicycle. Initially, it was believed the offender fled from the scene on a bicycle, however, further investigation revealed he likely fled on foot following the shooting. A police K-9 tracked the offender’s scent, but the scent was lost at a nearby roadway.
Highland Park Police requested the assistance of the Lake County Major Crime Task Force to assist with the investigation. Preliminary details indicate the shooting was targeted and not random. It appears prior to the shooting, the victim was walking on the sidewalk and approached by the offender. The two engaged in a brief conversation before the offender produced a firearm and shot the victim.
Law enforcement anticipates reopening the roadway by 5:15 p.m. There is no known threat to the community. The investigation remains ongoing by Task Force Investigators and Highland Park Detectives. Additional information will be released as it becomes available.”