Becoming better at cooking on a grill doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some smart tips to use to improve your skills on the grill.
There are plenty of people out there who will mention how much of a grill master they are. In reality, it takes more than grilling a few days during the summer to become a master. Grilling might seem easy, but many tiny details can separate a rookie from a professional. Here are the smart tips to improve your grilling game that should help you get the flavor you desire.
Get Your Meat to Room Temperature First
A common mistake that grilling novices make is taking their meat directly out of the fridge and slapping it on the grill. You’ll never be able to cook your meat properly if you do this. Putting the meat straight on the grill when it’s still cold throws off cooking times because of how long the meat takes to get to room temperature. Many people worry about leaving meat out for too long but getting it to room temperature first won’t make you sick. Moreover, it’ll make cooking the meat much easier and more predictable.
Dry Rub
Spice rub is any mixture of ground spices that is made for the purpose of being rubbed on raw food before the food is cooked. Dry rub is the most common form, which involves applying the rub as a powder. The spice rub forms a coating on the meat, which can be marinated in the spice rub for an extended time or overnight. Otherwise, the meat can be cooked immediately after it is coated in the spice rub, which is left on while cooking, or partially removed before cooking.
There are “wet” rubs that consist of oil, water, or other liquid added to make a thick paste or a thin glaze on the meat.
Don’t Skimp on the Seasoning
One of the easiest ways to improve your grilling game is to go all-in when it comes to seasoning. Many amateurs assume that the grill will impart the flavor the food needs on its own. This is far from true. If you want the best tasting barbecue possible, you need to use high-quality seasonings. Dry rubs, marinades, and brines will put so much more flavor into the food. Don’t be afraid to slather your meat with those herbs and spices to make them more memorable.
Don’t Rely on Feel
Lots of people believe they can tell when something finishes cooking based on feel or sight alone. Unfortunately, unless you cook the exact same piece of meat every day, that’s never going to be entirely possible. You might get close, but you’ll need some quality measuring equipment if you want to see precisely when to take the meat off the grill. Invest in a good meat thermometer and trust it to tell you when to stop.
Thoroughly Clean Your Grill After Every Use
Meat drippings and fat that gum up the grate of your grill won’t add flavor to the next thing you put on there. All they will do is burn and give your next meal a disgusting charred flavor. You need to do more than just scrape the top of the grill when you clean it. Cleaning the underside as well will ensure that you start fresh every time you want to grill something new.
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