Cook County second installment property tax bills for tax year 2020 will be mailed during the last week of July 2021, according to a Township of Schaumburg Assessor’s media release dated July 8, 2021. but may not arrive by August 1, 2021. Cook County has also delayed the due date for installment property tax bills to Sept. 1, 2021. All penalties for late payment will be waived until Oct. 1, 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Schaumburg Township.
Typically, second installments are mailed the last week of June.
ABC 7 Chicago reported on Wednesday, July 14, 2021 that there is also a controversy regarding the Senior Citizen Assessment Freeze Exemption, and whether the Cook County Assessor office gave a tax break to seniors who may not have qualified. The controversy could delay the bills even further as a Cook County amendment may delay the due date to October 1, 2021, according to the ABC I-Team.
COVID-19 pandemic-related issues had already slowed the processing of appeals, which delayed the mailing of the installment bills, which is the reason Cook County has also extended the payment deadline.
According to the Township of Schaumburg Assessor’s Office, taxpayers should review the second installment tax bills for their homeowner, senior citizen or other exemptions and any successful assessment appeals filed in 2020. The exemptions and successful appeals will appear on second installment bills, along with any changes in the tax levies of local governments, including the “Cook County Assessor’s COVID Adjustment” (issued in December).
Residents can find information concerning bill payment at
Payment options are:
• Online at with a checking or savings account.
• At 400 Chase Bank locations in Illinois.
• By mail in an enclosed return envelope postmarked no later than Sept. 1, 2021.
• Mortgage escrow (taxpayers should confirm payment with their mortgage-paying firm).
Due to the pandemic, mailing and due dates are subject to change. To receive updated information, sign up for the Assessor’s Office eNewsletter at and follow Schaumburg Township on social media.
— Schaumburg Township
Residents in Wheeling Township — where many Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Mount Prospect, and Prospect Heights residents live — are subject to the same Cook County installment property tax bill deadlines.
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