Media Sources at Coronavirus Task Force Briefing Q &A Segment Focuses on ‘Gotcha’ Tactics

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Sean Hannity/Fox News says CNN hates Trump so much that they don’t want their own viewers to hear critical and potentially lifesaving information on Coronavirus, including information on therapeutics and vaccines.

President Donald J. Trump announced Monday July 20, 2020 that the White House is restarting regular Coronavirus Task Force briefings after a surge in cases across the country. At the Coronavirus Task Force briefing on Tuesday July 21, 2020, most media questions disregarded details of the Coronavirus surge, treatment progress with ventilators, or statistics that fatality rates have decreased. Instead, some media focused on ‘gotcha’ questions, such as questions about the president’s own personal use of a mask.

List of questions that were asked of Trump that don’t matter to average Americans (or had obvious answers; full video of the press conference below) …

You sometimes take more than one test a day … why is that?

Why are your doctors not with you today … Where’s Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx (Birx was right outside the conference room)?

In November, do you want the people to judge you on how you handled this pandemic so far?

You’ve been saying for months the virus would simply disappear, and now you’re saying it’s likely to get worse before it gets better. If it does keep getting worse, and Americans keep dying; are you responsible for that?

Yesterday you said that wearing the mask was an act of patriotism. If that is the case, why don’t you do it more frequently?

Are you sending mixed messages? Yesterday you tweeted out a message wearing a mask, and then last evening we saw you not wearing a mask at your hotel.

A lot of Americans are maybe surprised that you are changing tone over all of this … more, perhaps, realistic tone (some would look at it that way) … the sudden embrace of masks, social distancing, the idea that things will get worse, perhaps, before they get better here, and perhaps the realization that this resurgence, if you will, is for real, when you used to talk about it in terms of little fires being put out here and there … would you respond to that?

Early on during the developing COVID-19 pandemic, medical experts, including Surgeon General Dr. Jerome M. Adams and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci were advising against using masks. In an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said he doesn’t regret advising Americans against wearing masks early on in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Question on advising against people wearing masks in public, and, of course, that was due to the surge because the concern was about saving PPEs for medical professionals. Do you regret that comment?

“I don’t regret anything I said then because in the context of the time in which I said it, it was correct. We were told in our task force meetings that we have a serious problem with the lack of PPEs and masks for the health providers who are putting themselves in harm’s way every day to take care of sick people. That’s what the dialogue was in the task force meetings, which led all of us, not just me but also [U.S. Surgeon General] Jerome Adams, to say, “Right now we really need to save the masks for the people who need them most.” When it became clear that the infection could be spread by asymptomatic carriers who don’t know they’re infected, that made it very clear that we had to strongly recommend masks. And also, it soon became clear that we had enough protective equipment and that cloth masks and homemade masks were as good as masks that you would buy from surgical supply stores. So in the context of when we were not strongly recommending it, it was the correct thing. But our knowledge changed and our realization of the state of the outbreak changed.”

— Dr. Anthony Fauci (InStyle | Dr. Fauci Says, “With All Due Modesty, I Think I’m Pretty Effective.”)

President Trump announced Monday that the White House is restarting regular Coronavirus Task Force briefings after a surge in cases across the country. Trump said that the briefings would be a “great way” to get information out about the status of coronavirus vaccines and therapeutics.



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