Since 2012 firefighters from Palatine Rural, Village of Palatine and Rolling Meadows have met on a regular basis to explore opportunities to consolidate administrative and operational duties, reaching beyond the mutual aid agreement seen at work in the video of this fire in a car wash at Kirchoff Road and Hicks Road in Rolling Meadows on Saturday, January 21, 2012.
Fire department officials from the Palatine Rural Fire Protection District, the Village of Palatine and the City of Rolling Meadows have identified another opportunity to further enhance existing intergovernmental agreements. Chief Officers from the three jurisdictions have agreed to update separate agreements pertaining to command and control of emergency incidents to allow the closest designated incident commander to respond and assume command of emergency incidents. Prior to this alteration, incident command functions were provided to the Palatine Rural Fire Protection District’s jurisdictional response area via separate agreements with the Rolling Meadows and Palatine Fire Departments.
South of Palatine Road in Palatine Rural District
In the updated arrangement, Rolling Meadows Fire Department Shift Commanders will assume command of all incidents within the southern response area of the Palatine Rural District; specifically all areas south of Palatine Road.
North of Palatine Road in Palatine Rural District
Incidents north of Palatine Road will be managed by the Village of Palatine Fire Department’s on duty Incident Commander.
Since 2012, the three jurisdictions have met on a regular basis to explore opportunities to consolidate administrative and operational duties in an effort to provide safer and more efficient use of resources. Expanded training opportunities and emergency response efforts continue to evolve and develop as a result of enhanced partnering efforts between the three organizations.
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