Trustee Candidate Jim Tinaglia Endorses Tom Hayes for Village President of Arlington Heights

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Jim Tinaglia
Jim Tinaglia
Well-known architect and Arlington Heights Village Board Trustee candidate Jim Tinaglia announced late Thursday that he has decided to endorse candidate and President Pro Tem Tom Hayes for Village President of Arlington Heights. After the Women’s League of Voters forum last Saturday, people close to Tinaglia, and Tinaglia himself came to an understanding that Tom Hayes is the better choice regarding an honest, straightforward, trustworthy leader.

In a prepared statement, released Thursday Tinaglia wrote, “The last thing the Village of Arlington Heights needs is a contentious board.” Tinaglia stated he believes in respectfully working with other Arlington Heights leaders to get the leadership work done expeditiously to advance and preserve the quality of life in Arlington Heights. In an interview he stated he knows there needs to be improvements in efficiency with how the village legislates and operates, but he believes that having contentious members in leadership would only slow down the process of government. Tinaglia said he’s been on the receiving side, as an architect presenting projects in front of contentious boards. He said it’s not a pleasant experience. He doesn’t want the Arlington Heights Village Board to become one of those type of contentious boards.

Someone from Drake’s camp provided a leaked e-mail regarding Ron Drake’s response to Tinaglia’s endorsement. Drake wrote, “Very few people have enough character to stand on principle and not let their best interests cloud their decision making.” To his supporters, Drake wrote, “All of you have had the courage to stand up and say enough is enough. As you can see it is not easy for some to do.” It’s the attitude of Drake — exposed in his statement “very few people have enough character to stand on principle” — that reveals his antagonistic, negative attitude toward a majority of people, that shows he’s not a team player, and reveals his egotistical plan to rally people behind his campaign; according to the anonymous recipient that forwarded the e-mail to The Cardinal.

Tinaglia provided a real world example of one way to streamline planning and approval on projects — an area where Drake has been critical of the Village of Arlington Heights government. Tinaglia explained that when a business seeks approval, it goes through the analysis of a Design Commission, a Plan Commission, and a Village Board. Each review requires a printout of plans and architectural information. A project Tinaglia is currently working on has made eight printouts for the Design Commission, eleven printouts for the Plan Commission and 20 printouts for the Village Board. The cost for the current project is not yet known, but a recent similar project resulted in printing costs of $2600. He explained that he knows there could be a way to reduce costs to businesses, by depending more on electronic PDF files, rather than hard copy printouts.

Tinaglia believes his experience as an architect gives him the skills to make excellent decisions regarding choice of materials, design, etc. while keeping costs controlled. He made that clear in the Women’s League of Voters forum, as well.

“Tom (Hayes) is the senior Trustee on the board, and President Pro Tem, and for the last 22 years has been an integral part of village leadership. Tom is honest and straightforward and has gained the respect and trust of the community. The definition of leadership is taking the best available and putting it where it is needed most. For these reasons, I wholeheartedly support Tom Hayes for Village President.”

— Jim Tinaglia

In the prepared statement Tinaglia wrote, “I consider myself a team player and have spent a great deal of time serving respectfully with the Arlington Heights Design Commission, Frontier Days Committee, Arlington Heights Chamber of Commerce, and the Arlington Aces Soccer organization.” Tinaglia is worried he could take a hit by disappointing the supporters of Village President candidate Ron Drake and a loss of votes resulting from the backlash. Ultimately, he decided to express himself to demonstrate who is the best choice for the community of Arlington Heights. After much thought, and careful consideration, Tinaglia said he believes Tom Hayes is the best choice as a long-time resident of Arlington Heights — a candidate who shares his common goals toward the best for Arlington Heights.

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  1. If I was an owner of an architectural company, I wouldn’t want a contentious board either. Although I’m sure there’s enough attorneys or better yet real estate attorneys around town to help me with these kinds of things. Anybody see a theme here? (I know my grammar isn’t perfect but what do you expect from a guy with a “Dizzying Intellect”)

  2. Jim Tingalia talked about Tom Hayes as one of the biggest problems in the recovery of Arlington Heights. We put your sign in our front yard and now it’s in the trash. You tricked all of us.

  3. On February 26, 2013 Jim Tinaglia gave a speech at Clementi’s Restaurant (he stood on an elevated platform in the southwest corner of the restaurant) and spent about four minutes discussing how Tom Hayes was one of the biggest problems for business owners in Arlington Heights, citing how Hayes was partly responsible for Tinaglia having to downsize the number of employees for his architecture company.

  4. I was saddened to see that another citizen of Arlington Heights was bullied into changing their beliefs in order to do business in our town. I too am changing my belief that Jim Tinaglia is worthy of my vote.

  5. Dear Beth — Bullied? that’s typical drama that spreads lies. Take a popular word today “bully” and try to dramatize it for your agenda. That’s a disrespectful use of the word “BULLY” for children who are truly bullied in school or on the streets.

    If anyone was aggressive, it was Drake at the League of Women’s Voter forum. I saw how he carries himself and found his demeanor was quite a turn off — like I understand many others did in the audience.

    Arlington Heights hardly has a reputation for bullying. Try Cicero or Chicago.

    Hellner and Hayes are factual. Drake’s campaign is based on empty promises, anger and negativity, and drama — just like your use of the word “bullied”

  6. @Paul
    A man has a right to change his mind. It looks like Drake didn’t cut it for Tignalias’ vetting process. The more you know about Drake, the more you don’t like. Furthermore, how do we know what you are saying is even true? A lot of architects have gone out of business all over the United States. At least Tignalia is still in business. Don’t you think maybe the real estate collapse and other financial failures are more realistically the cause of Tignalia having to downsize.

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