‘Mic Check!’ Kiss Controversy at Rick Santorum’s Speech Segment on Values and Freedom

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VIDEO: Speech segment by presidential candidate Rick Santorum on values and freedom is interrupted briefly by a ‘Mic check’ and a kiss.

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum emphasized Barack Obama’s apparent lack of recognition of the uniqueness of the United States Constitution and its values during a political rally Friday night at Grace Gym, Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights. Santorum added, that according to the president, it wasn’t until America passed Medicare, unemployment insurance, welfare, and food stamps that the United States became a great country. Santorum explained, that belief exists because President Barack Obama believes in an America that is ruled by those in authority … those that take money from some and give the money to ‘those who know better’ — the planners, the elite, the one’s who come from the right families.

It was at this point in the speech that the “Mic Check” occurred and two males kissed in the north grandstand of Grace Gym — only to be drowned out by boos to them and the cheering of “USA! USA! USA!”

Santorum continued in stride, “We will stand for the values that made this country the greatest country in the history of the world.” Someone who understands the greatness of America understands that it is not in its government; not in controlling sectors of our economy or people from the top down. He explained that our ancestors didn’t come to the United States because the government gave them benefits. Santorum explained that when his grandfather came to this country in 1925, there were no benefits, except one … Freedom.

President Barack Obama was also in town in Chicago, only for a fund raiser for re-election. During his visit, President Barack Obama chided Republicans who visited Obama’s home state, and said, “Welcome to the Land of Lincoln. Maybe some Lincoln will rub off on them while they are here.”

While Santorum spoke on values, freedom, the United States Constitution, and the inalienable rights of the Declaration of Independence that can’t be given away or traded away; Obama heckled Republicans — comparing conservatives to the Flat Earth Society, people that clung to horses rather than recognized the promise of the automobile, and people who never thought television would last.

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