Paula Abdul 9-1-1 Call: Boyfriend Won’t Let Her Out of Car; True Emergency or False Drama

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A Valentine’s Day emergency for Paula Abdul … the former American Idol judge called 911 and is heard sobbing to the operator. Abdul later said that she was just having an argument.

Paula Abdul apparently asked to be let out of a car on the northbound U.S. 101 near Santa Barbara. On follow-up she said she was just having an argument. No police report was filed.

During the call that was placed at 4:35 PM on February 14, 2010 — Valentine’s Day, Paula cries and sobs hysterically and says, “I wanna go, I want out of this car and he won’t let me!”

Seconds later Paula says, “You just drop me off ’cause I have ’emergency’ on the phone” — and shortly after that Abdul says, “He’s dropping me off.”

In the audio available, Paul Abdul did not answer the 9-1-1 calltaker’s question about the nearest exit on U.S. 101.

Police contacted Paula Abdul about an hour later and she said the incident was just a verbal dispute.

U.S. 101 through Santa Barbara is a six-lane express (three lanes each direction) with a maximum speed of 65 mph. Under most circumstances it is not a good idea to let a passenger out of a car on an expressway to become a pedestrian. No conclusion that the boyfriend was innocent, but attempting to get out of a car while being restrained is a serious situation that the police take very seriously.