VIDEO: Oklahoma City Pharmacist Shooting Armed Robber #1

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UPDATE: Jerome Ersland FOUND GUILTY of First-Degree Murder Thursday, May, 26, 2011 … See The Cardinal Oklahoma Jury Says Pharmacist Jerome Ersland Guilty of First Degree Murder After Defending Pharmacy from Armed Robbers

Associated Press video report of armed robbery and self-defense shooting by pharmacist Jerome Ersland.

Full surveillance video showing before shooting, showing pharmacist checking on second fleeing suspect outside, using a second gun to shoot the suspect again, and calling (apparently) 9-1-1.

Jerome Ersland is a Desert Storm veteran wearing a cumbersome back brace to aid disabilities suffered in the war in Iraq. Here is Jerome Ersland’s account of the armed robbery attempt and his self-defense actions:

Reliable Dscount Pharmacy robbed two years ago with employees herded into a back room and pistol whipped.

Improved security setup installed at the pharmacy with magnetically locked doors.

Two robbers assaulted Reliable Discount Pharmacy at 5:50 p.m. when narcotics and money were out — suggesting the robbers cased the business.

One robber overrode magnetic doors with a board to jam the doors and prevent them from closing.

Robbers ran in the store cursing and yelling, ordering employees to hand over drugs and money.

Two female employees ran to the back of the store.

Ersland unable to run due to injures and recent back surgery.

Shots fired by robbers. One grazed Ersland’s hand. One robber said ‘Your’e gonna die.’

Ersland used a semi-automatic in his pocket to return fire and hit one suspect in the head with bullet.

A bullet from the second, surviving robber whizzed by Ersland’s ear.

Ersland got a bigger gun from a nearby drawer.

Second robber ran.

Ersland emptied the ammunition of a Kel-Tec .380 into the first suspect’s chest.

As he went after the second suspect, he suspected a third male, black in a car with the engine running, reached for a shotgun.

Ersland pulled out his ‘Judge’ and aimed it ‘right between his eyes’ and the third suspect fled.

When Ersland returned inside the pharmacy, he called police.

Jerome Ersland faces a first-degree murder charge in the shooting death of Antwun Parker, 16, the would-be robber at Reliable Discount Pharmacy. Ersland is out on bail, released on $100,000 bond.

Sheriff’s deputies have arrested two accomplices: A 14 year-old boy (unidentified minor) and a convicted felon, Emanuel Dewayne Mitchell, who has been convicted of armed robbery and kidnapping.

View Larger Map
Google ‘Street View’ of Reliable Discount Pharmacy (5900 S Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, OK) near the intersection of SW 59 and Pennsylvania.

View Chicagoland and Worldwide Crime Notebook Map in a larger map

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  1. Mr.Ersland used proper gun control on the suspected robbers, it is a shut case of self defense. he was in fear of his life. less paper work for police on the one that was killed. CCW should be allowed in every state to prevent this kind of behavior from those that have obtained weapons unlawfully, he is within his second admendment rights as a citizen that served his country. SemperFi!

  2. Wrong. The first shot, that hit the would be robber was self defense. His actions after he returned back inside the store, stopped at self defense, and became pre-meditated murder.
    Unloading a .380 pistol into someone’s chest can hardly be viewed as self defense, especially when the would be robber was unconscious and unarmed.

  3. Thank Mr. Ersland for ridding us peaceful law abiding citizens of another thug, you’ve saved tax payers a lot of money! You are a hero. This is what thugs deserve, it’s what thugs do to us. You can rehabilitate a psychopath. One pyschopath less. Yay!

  4. Ersland’s life, as well as two ladies, was nearly taken. He bravely fought back. I cannot imagine the adrenaline pumping through him. How can we judge what he felt when he shot the prostrate robber?

    I’m willing to grant him “temporary insanity” when he shot the second time.

  5. Thank you Ersland. can u believe what the sister of the slained robber said? She doesn’t believe her brother would rob anyone. Has she seen the video. Is she blind and stupid? I’m guessing she is.

  6. Apparently a lot of you don’t recognize the difference between self defense and murder. Shooting once and calling the police is self defense. Grabbing ANOTHER gun and unloading akimbo style into an unarmed suspects chest is manslaughter. I’m not at all surprised that most people can’t seem to discern the difference, but the unbelievable love of blood lust in this country is absolutely astounding.

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  1. Oklahoma Jury Says Pharmacist Jerome Ersland Guilty of First Degree Murder After Defending Pharmacy from Armed Robbers | The Cardinal

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