New Los Angeles Area Fire “Sunset Fire” Breaks Out Wednesday Night in Runyon Canyon Park

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A new fire known as the “Sunset Fire” has developed Wednesday night, January 8m, 2025.

Status: 10 acres.

Immediate Mandatory Evacuation order:
Laurel Canyon Blvd to the West. Hollywood Blvd to the South. Cahuenga Blvd/101 Fwy/Highland Ave to the East. Muholland Drive to the North.

The fire initial current fire scene, which is about four miles northeast of Beverly Hills, and about two miles southwest of the Hollywood Sign.

05:34PM PT; 2350 N Solar Dr;; Hollywood Hills West;

Approximately 10 acres burning between Runyon Canyon and Wattles Park. A Mandatory Evacuation Order is now in place for Laurel Canyon Blvd (on the west) to Mulholland Dr (on the north) to 101 Freeway (on the east) down to Hollywood Blvd (on the south). ;

FIRE UNITS ASSIGNED: FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC11 BC701 BC705 BP44 CM20 CM22 CW3A E1 E108 E12 E13 E207 E215 E226 E233 E235 E237 E260 E261 E294 E34 E35 E41 E450 E462 E52 E58 E6 E60 E76 E82 E90 E97 EM5 RA76 T27 UR27; CH5; 12; Margaret Stewart, PIO

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