Village Manager Randall Recklaus announced Thursday, June 9, 2022 that Lance Harris was named the new Chief of the Arlington Heights Fire Department. Harris most recently served as Fire Chief for the Village of West Dundee, and the Deputy Chief of the fire department for the Village of Elk Grove, where he began as a firefighter in 1995, was promoted to lieutenant in 2010, Battalion Chief in 2013 and then Deputy Chief in 2014. As Deputy Chief at Elk Grove Village Harris worked on the budget, fleet management, emergency response assignments, and as labor relations liaison to the Elk Grove Village firefighters’ union Local 2340. Harris became Fire Chief in West Dundee in 2020. Harris is a long-time resident of Arlington Heights and will begin his role as Fire Chief effective June 27, 2022.
“Lance Harris’s 25 years of experience serve as a proven track-record for his commitment to the fire service. His ability to successfully serve in the role of Chief, combined with his love for Arlington Heights, make him the best possible choice for this position. As he steps into this new role, we are confident Chief Harris will carry on the fire department’s dedication to serving our community with the highest standards of emergency service.”
— Village Manager Randall Recklaus
Lance Harris earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration from Lewis University and his Chief Fire Officer Certifications from the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal and the Center for Public Safety Excellence. Chief Harris is a member of the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association and the Metro Fire Chiefs Association, and as a resident he served as the former Director of Travel Baseball for the Arlington Heights Athletic Association.
“I am excited and honored to be selected to serve as the next Chief of the Arlington Heights Fire Department. I look forward to working with the great men and women of the department, the Village’s leadership team, local businesses, and the residents of the community to ensure the fire department is providing the highest level of protection of lives and property through rescue emergency medical services, fire suppression, fire prevention, and public education. Arlington Heights is where my wife Kerry and I chose to raise our family, and as a 22-year resident of this Village, I am privileged to have this opportunity to serve this remarkable community.”
— Fire Chief Lance Harris
In the announcement, Village Manager Randall Recklaus included the recognition that the Arlington Heights Fire Department has received the highest public protection rating of “ISO Class 1” from the Insurance Services Office. According to Randall Recklaus elite rating is achieved by less than 1/3 of 1% of fire departments nationwide. Recklaus announced that under Chief Lance Harris’s direction, the Arlington Heights Fire Department will continue to provide the Village of Arlington Heights with a high quality of services while carefully evaluating future needs.
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