Facebook Centra Surprise as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee

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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testify before Senate Judiciary Committee. The hearing focused on censorship and suppression of New York post articles and how they impacted the 2020 election.

At the Committee on the Judiciary, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey answered questions as witnesses at a Full Committee Hearing on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 beginning at 10:00 a.m. ET at the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Room G50. Sen. Lindsey Graham presided at the hearing, which was attended virtually by the witnesses.


Mr. Jack Dorsey
Chief Executive Officer
Twitter, Inc.
San Francisco , CA

Mr. Mark Zuckerberg
Chief Executive Officer
Facebook, Inc.
Menlo Park , CA

The highlight of the hearing was when Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) surprised Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg with a question about a Facebook user tracking program known as “Centra,” which Hawley said had been revealed to his office by a Facebook whistleblower. CEO Mark Zuckerberg denied knowing about the Centra program. This question followed grilling about a task management program that coordinated information with Google and Twitter regarding hashtags, platforms and websites.

Sen. Hawley: “What is Centra? What is the Facebook internal tool called Centra?

“Senator, I’m not aware of any tool with that name.”

— Mark Zuckerberg

Hawley confronted Zuckerberg. “Let me see if this refreshes your memory. There’s a demonstrative now over my shoulder. Centra is a tool that Facebook uses to track its users not just on Facebook, but across the entire Internet. Centra tracks different profiles that a user visits, their message recipients, their linked accounts, the pages they visit around the Web that have Facebook buttons. Centra also uses behavioral data to monitor users’ accounts, even if those accounts are registered under a different name. And you can see a shot here — a screenshot provided to us of the Centra platform. We blocked out the user’s name in the interest of privacy, although you can this individual’s birthdate and age, when they first started using Facebook, their last log-in, as well as all manner of trackings — how many different devices have they used to access Facebook, how many different accounts are associated with their name, what accounts have they visited, what photos have they tagged, and on and on and on.”

Sen. Hawley: Mr. Zuckerberg, how many accounts in the United States have been subject to review and shut down throiugh Centra.

Mark Zuckerberg: Senator, I do not know because I’m not actually familiar with the name of that tool; I’m sure that we have tools that help us with our platform and community integrity work; but I’m not familiar with that name.

Sen. Hawley also asked Mark Zuckerberg if a record is created when a Facebook employee accesses a Facebook user’s private information or their messages. Zuckerberg said he ‘believed so’ but could not answer about the number of audits these examinations might have generated. Sen. Hawley asked Mark Zuckerberg if he could commit to giving the Senate Committee a list of the number of times that Facebook employees access users’ personal account information without their knowledge

“We should follow up on what would be useful here,” said Zuckerberg.

Sen. Hawley explained his awareness of the program, saying Centra allowed Facebook to retain certain sensitive personal information, including which accounts users had visited and the photos they had uploaded via information that was provided to him.

In the video of the Senate Hearing that Fox News posted on YouTube, the following statement between the video and the caption of the video was inserted by YouTube: “The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google. Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more (link to Cybersecurity & Infrastructrue Security Agency #PROTECT2020 RUMOR VS. REALITY)

Utah Sen. Mike Lee (R) and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz were also assertive in grilling the witnesses.



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See also …

Joash Hawley US Senator for Missouri | Hawley Reveals Existence of Coordination Tool Used By Big Tech Firms to Censor Users & Facebook Tool to Covertly Track Users Across Internet

The Creepy Line | Official HD Trailer (2019) | Documentary.

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