Police Body Cam Video Shows YouTube Shooter Questioned by Police After She Was Found in Car at Walmart Lot in Mountain View, CA

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Bodycam video shows Mountain View police officers as they interact with Nasim Aghdam, the woman who would later be identified as the YouTube headquarters shooter. A police officer approached her while she was sleeping in her car in a Walmart parking lot.

The Mountain View Police Department on Friday April 13, 2018 released body camera video of the interaction of two police officers with Nasim Aghdam, 39, the woman who would shoot three people and then kill herself at YouTube headquarters later the same day.

One police officer found Aghdam’s vehicle about 1:40 a.m. April 3, 2018 in the Walmart parking lot. The vehicle discovery matched the description in the missing person’s report file from March 31, 2018, and included a hit on the vehicle’s license plate. The male police officer checked to see if anyone was inside the vehicle, using a flashlight. Aghdam was found sleeping inside. Police checked their database records, and did not discover any criminal history or history of violence connected to Nasim Aghdam.

Later, a second female police officer arrived and participated in the interaction. The video reveals that Nasim Aghdam was calm and cooperative as police officers told her that her family in San Diego had reported her as a missing person. The police officers confirmed that she intentionally left the San Diego area without notifying her family.

The interaction in total involved a 30-minute long bodycam video that included audio of the police dispatcher initially describing Aghdam as missing at risk. In the video, police later ask Aghdam if she wanted to hurt herself or anyone else, which she denied.

When a police officer asked why she left her family, she said she left because she was not getting along her family, and that she wanted to leave bad memories behind in San Diego.

Aghdam told the officers that she had also left her main cellphone behind, and that she got a new phone with a new number that she did not give to her family. She also had not committed the new cell phone number to memory. The police officers checked the cell phone settings to help her find the new number. In the video, they also ask her if she was on any medication, which she denied.

A police officer told Aghdam that they were required by law to tell her father that she was found in Mountain View. Aghdam was told that police would not give her family her new cell phone number, and that they would tell her family that she does not want them to contact her.

About an hour after a police officer made the notification call to her father Ismail Aghdam, he called the police officer back and told him his daughter had become upset about YouTube changes that had impacted her videos about living a vegan lifestyle. In hours following the shooting, it was discovered on her website and social media posts that she was upset about the income results from the monetization of her videos, and that Nasim Aghdam believed that the lower income results were the result of deliberate actions by YouTube that hindered video referrals.

Police say that Ismail Aghdam did not bring up any concerns about his daughter’s behavior or any potential violence related to his daughter. San Bruno Police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 12:45 p.m. PT to a report of an active shooter at Google/YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno in northern California. Police received multiple 9-1-1 calls reported shots fired from an active shooter.

Mountain View Police Statement About Proper Protocol

“They checked on the welfare of a person who, at the time, was reported missing but whose actions, demeanor, and answers did not present any information which would cause us to believe she would be a threat to herself or others. The tragedy of the incident at YouTube weighs heavily on our hearts but we support and stand by the actions taken by our officers in their contact with Ms. Aghdam.”

— Police Chief Max Bosel, Mountain View

The YouTube shooter was reportedly angry that she made as little as 10 cents on some of her videos. Nasim Aghdam, 39, opened fire at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno, Calif., Tuesday afternoon, injuring three people before turning the gun on herself. Aghdam’s videos were watched by nine million people, but she found out that getting famous on YouTube doesn’t guarantee a big payout. “My revenue for 300,000 views is $0.10????” she wrote on her website.


Shots Fired Reported at YouTube Headquarters at Cherry Ave and Bayhill Dr, San Bruno, California

YouTube Shooter Nasim Aghdam’s Father Says He Called Police Concerned About Her Anger with YouTube’s Filtering and Censorship

CBS News Live at YouTube Shooting Scene in San Bruno, California

Female Shooter at YouTube; Primary Shooter at YouTube Headquarters in San Bruno, California Is Dead


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