SECURITY IMAGE: Retail theft suspects at Ulta on Rand Road in Arlington Heights on April 15, 2016.
Arlington Heights police received a report about 6:18 PM Friday April 15, 2016 of a retail theft at Ulta, 456 East Rand Road Arlington Heights, IL. Arlington Heights police are seeking help from the public in identifying the following suspects possibly involved in retail theft at Ulta on Rand Road near Palatine Road. Police received a report that the unknown offenders removed several makeup items from the store with a combined value of $838.
Offender one is described as a male Hispanic, 25 years old, wearing a Cubs shirt;
offender two is described as a female Hispanic, 25-years-old with long dark hair, wearing a camouflage sweatshirt;
offender three is described as a female Hispanic 25 years old dark hair in a bun wearing a plain white t-shirt;
offender four is described as a female Hispanic 25 years old with a tattoo on her left forearm (possibly cursive phrase), long dark hair wearing a white striped shirt with a dark purse; and
offender five is described as a male Hispanic 25 years old with sort dark hair wearing a black shirt and light colored shorts.
The crime is reported to have occurred on Friday, April 15, 2016 between 6:00 PM and 6:17 PM. The elapsed time range including the time the crime could have occurred is 0:17 (hours: minutes).
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