Elgin police responded about 6:55 a.m. Sunday to a report of a woman being held against her will in the 300 block of Raymond Street. Police found an injured 19-year-old woman. Paramedics transported her to a local hospital for treatment.
The woman told police she had been in a duplex residence in the 500 block of Levine Court near Healy Street with her ex-boyfriend when four females entered the home and joined her ex-boyfriend in forcibly removing her from the residence, according to police.
The suspects put her in a car and started beating her, and then drove her to the 300 block of Raymond Street — a commercial area near Raymond Street and National Street.
Police report the suspects continued to beat her and hold her against her will.
The kidnapping victim was was able to identify Megan A. Lino, of Carpentersville, as one of the suspects. Megan A. Lino, 19, was charged with felony counts of home invasion, aggravated kidnapping-inflicting great bodily harm, aggravated battery with a caustic substance, aggravated battery-torture, according to a statement from Elgin police.
Lino was unable to post a $150,000 bond and has been held in the Kane County Jail since Sunday, February 29, 2016.
Elgin police are still searching for the other suspects. Police urge anyone with information on the other suspects or the case to call the Elgin police Major Investigations Division at (847) 289-2600 or anonymously at (847) 695-2600.
Megan A. Lino (police photo).
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