Ask Paul B: Romantic Success!!!

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Dear Paul B,

Just a quick “thank you so very much,” for directing me to stick to the plan. It worked out so well. A little background, because it’s been 17 months now. I am 42 and pretty much gave up on men as I approached 40. I have a career that I always dreamed of, many friends and I am blessed with good health. I travel and love to play soccer (with men,) but just never connected for a long term relationship. I tried and tried, but it seemed that I either attracted the wrong type, or the type I wasn’t interested in was the “wrong type” of man. As is it turned out, your last command that I “stay the course and stick to THE PLAN,” encouraged me to hang in there. The 40 age # just made me feel defeated and I was tiring of telling my story time and again. I am sure that others feel my pain. I did listen, and met a fantastic man who is NOT an outdoors type, and is NOT what I envisioned as my type, but he is the BEST MAN I have ever met. He is intellectual and charming and caters to me, and I am madly in love with Viktor. He is from Europe, successful, has grown children (3) and we are opposite in many ways, but we connect on many levels. If I had stayed home as planned on that rainy Friday, I would have never met him. You told me that I would not meet anyone in my apartment, except a pizza delivery man or the exterminator. You were right-on there. I was never interested in either one — a bit of humor, Paul B. You also taught me that you can never give up on your kids or yourself, and you were so right. Viktor’s children are awesome people, and I am on my way to having it all. Thanks for not giving up on me. Viktor and I drank to you when he asked me to be his wife. Please, kkeep helping people.

Sally A


Dear Sal,

Yes, I remember you and I am thrilled to hear the great news. I thought I felt the earth move a few months ago, and now I know why. Your name stuck in my mind, as you told me that your Mom died when you were young (11) and that your Dad gave you very little love and attention. I told you that your Dad was most likely ill-equipped to be the Mom that you lost and loved so much. Dad’s are different creatures and I encouraged you to stop blaming others and get on with YOUR LIFE. You found your man, and I couldn’t be happier, but don’t give me the credit, because it was you who kept up the faith and continued to be exposed to meeting new people. YOU made it happen, Sal, and I am certain that the pizza boy is one heart-broken wreck now that you’re off the market… Good luck to you and Viktor. Sounds like he completes your long journey. He is one lucky man to have found you as well.

Paul B


ASK PAUL B! usually appears on Thursday evenings, but occasionally appears on other days or times so the article might be introduced to new readers.

Advice is offered for general discussion. Any advice from a columnist or someone who has never actually met you is not guaranteed to be fit for your particular situation. While the advice might help send you in the right direction to find a solution to your problem, missing information or lack of specific dialogue might cause you harm, or delay a solution to your problem. Never use this advice as the sole replacement for advice from a physician, psychologist or other health professional or other professional. The information provided through any post or Ask Paul B! post is not a substitute for health, legal and other professional advice where specific facts and circumstances warrant additional personal attention. If any reader requires legal advice, health advice or other professional assistance, each reader should always consult his or her own legal, health professional, or other professional advisors and discuss the facts and circumstances that specifically apply to the user. Consider the topics discussed as a part of your overall experience for your pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Don’t hesitate to get help when you might need professional help.

The views of Ask Paul B! are not necessarily the views of The Cardinal —

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