Always Pull Over to the Right? Except When You’re At the Fire Hydrant 1 Block From Fire Scene

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Fire scene video from a fire that started on a rear patio deck on a breezy hot day in Sylvan Lake, Alberta Canada.

Check out fire engine arrival (elapsed time: 2:30 and following) when a utility truck pulls over right in front of a fire hydrant while pulling to the right for the fire engine. The firefighters in that fire engine wanted to connect to that fire hydrant. The FortisAlberta utility truck, which got out of the way on the urging of the fire engine’s air horn, is an electric utility truck that was likely arriving to disconnect electric services for safety on the fire scene.

The fire occurred about 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday May 20, 2010 in the Wildrose Drive area of Sylvan Lake, Alberta Canada. The fire started on a rear patio deck and spread to a propane tank, which exploded. Four homes were eventually destroyed. A truck was also destroyed and houses across the street and downwind from the fire were damaged by heat, which caused the siding to melt. A total of eight house were damaged in addition to the four that were destroyed.

Firefighters from Sylvan Lake and Red Deer, a larger city over 25 miles away, worked to extinguish the fire.

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