Obama on ‘Great Japan Quake of 2011’: “Today’s events remind us just how fragile life can be” … Hundreds Killed in Tsunami After 8.9 Japan Earthquake


Interview with Harley Benz, U.S. Geological Survey, the earthquake is the fifth largest recorded since the beginning of the 21st century, seventh largest all-time, and largest in Japan.

The Great Japan Earthquake of 2011 began about 2:45 p.m. Friday with the damage starting on the large shaking island of Honshu, but the Tsunami caused by the earthquake did the most damage. In Sendai City, 200 to 400 bodies were discovered. By the end of the day 1,000 are presumed dead, most drowned in the tsunami. Thousands more were stranded on rooftops. Damage is enormous. Three nuclear plants are also damaged. Hundreds of houses and small buildings and thousands of cars were floating in rushing water crowded with other debris. An oil refinery on Tokyo Bay was burning fiercely after the earthquake.