Ask Paul B: Life is for the Living

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Hey Paul B,

I know you’ll understand me, nobody else does. I love life–yes I jump out of bed in the a.m., and I let loose all day. At night, I am out like a light — I have many friends and I have been there for many people, both good and bad people. Here is the knock on me — I hate sad people, including hospitals, sick people, and funerals. An Aunt died last month and I naturally did not attend. I avoid them like the plague. My cousin (whose Mom died) called me bitching at me for showing no class and no respect. I helped his Mom out (probably seven times) with cash to pay for groceries and heat. I would bet that a portion of that money went to him, because he is a leech. We never got along, but I loved his Mom and promised my Mom (when she passed) that I would always help out Aunt Bernie if I could. Well, I think that I do get a pass for helping people that are here. I can’t do anything for them when they are not here. So if they want to hate me, so be it. Am I pond scum? I think I am a good guy. You decide.



Dear Luke,
I recognize your last name, and I knew your Mom. She was a sweetheart and so are you! I like your “tell it like it is” mentality. Are you a criminal for not attending funerals? I hate them too. It seems more than a tad disingenuous at these “morbid affairs” when all these folks show up, dressed to the nines, who hadn’t seen the dearly departed in five years or so. Why now? Where were you when they were upright, laughing, smiling, sharing their lives with their “friends and family,” who you clearly are NOT!! Now is way too late, sorry. I do attend funerals because I don’t like confrontation, and I DO see people when they are alive. I am on your side sport — there isn’t anything you can provide when they are gone. You were (and still are) a generous soul for helping Aunt Bernie. Her son is a yutz!

Paul B.


ASK PAUL B! usually appears on Thursday evenings, but occasionally appears on other days or times so the article might be introduced to new readers.

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The views of Ask Paul B! are not necessarily the views of The Cardinal —

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