About Ask Paul B!

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Ask Paul B! Advice Columnist


Who is this “New Kid on the Block” shelling out advice to anyone who will listen?

“Ask Paul B!” has been at his desk helping people in Chicagoland solve their problems since 2006. He has only recently gone public as his flock has grown into the thousands. Paul B. began by taking cards, letters, emails, texts and phone calls from those in need in March of 2006. As his mortgage consulting business grew, so did the requests from his clients, their families, friends, neighbors and so on …

“It got to the point that I would receive 20 or so requests per week, and I really enjoyed helping people. I never really thought that much about it, only that there were people who had problems, and I could often help them to find a logical solution.”
— Paul B.

Whenever Paul B. was baffled, he would employ his collection of experts to help him solve their problems. Licensed dieticians, attorneys, doctors,educators and psychologists continue to lend their sage advice. The bottom line: its simply plain old common sense with a twist.

Check out this Chicago Southsider.
This man has one heckuva good head on his shoulders.
Check him out to see if he can talk the talk!
Better yet … send him your story that needs a solution.

Agree? Or disagree! Feel free to comment at the bottom of any article in the COMMENTS section.


Advice is offered for general discussion. Any advice from a columnist or someone who has never actually met you is not guaranteed to be fit for your particular situation. While the advice might help send you in the right direction to find a solution to your problem, missing information or lack of specific dialogue might cause you harm, or delay a solution to your problem. Never use this advice as the sole replacement for advice from a physician, psychologist or other health professional or other professional. The information provided through any Arlingtoncardinal.com post or Ask Paul B! post is not a substitute for health, legal and other professional advice where specific facts and circumstances warrant additional personal attention. If any reader requires legal advice, health advice or other professional assistance, each reader should always consult his or her own legal, health professional, or other professional advisors and discuss the facts and circumstances that specifically apply to the user. Consider the topics discussed as a part of your overall experience for your pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Don’t hesitate to get help when you might need professional help.

The views of Ask Paul B! are not necessarily the views of The Cardinal — Arlingtoncardinal.com

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