facebook twitter YouTube                ARLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL REUNION EDITION -- CARDINALS

 Arlington High School Forest View High School John Hersey High School

Arlington High School Reunions and Homecomings

Forest View High School Reunions and Homecomings

John Hersey High School Reunions and Homecomings
Prospect High School Saint Viator High School Buffalo Grove High School

Prospect High School Reunions and Homecomings

St. Viaator Reunions and Homecomings

Buffalo Grove High School Reunions and Homecomings
Elk Grove High School Rolling Meadows High School Wheeling High School

Elk Grove High School Reunions and Homecomings

Rolling Meadows High School Reunions and Homecomings

Wheeling High School Reunions and Homecomings

Find your friends and classes with The Cardinal Reunion Edition, which includes a network of all District 214 schools and St. Viator. The Cardinal network helps find classmates for reunions, homecomings and other get togethers, including fund-raisers for friends or families in need.

The Cardinal Reunion Edition is here to help collect all Facebook pages, groups and events with reunion and homecoming information for all Distrcit 214 high schools and St. Viator that are independently managed by classmates. The Cardinal -- Reunion Edition connects to a Facebook REUNION EDITION for each high school. Please feel free to add any information about your reunion or ask questions on the REUNION EDITION for the specific high school. The entire networking community will be there for answers and communication. Please send us your links to your own official class pages by posting it on the wall for your respective high school REUNION EDITION. Attention Arlington and Forest View refugees, feel free to post on Facebook Fan Pages of the both schools -- where you were sent to graduate and where you started.

If you have a reunion, homecoming or get together information, just post it on the wall for the respective high school. Right now we include all of the District 214 schools and St. Viator.

Arlington High School was the first high school built in 1922 and closed in 1984. Forest View closed soon after because of declining enrollment. Most 'refugees' from Arlington High School attended Prospect High School to finish their high school education after Arlington closed. For more information on the evolution of schools in District 214, see Arlingtoncards.com A Building Built and Closed in Controversy and Turmoil-- Arlington High School.

There are several graduating class Facebook fan pages and Arlington High School Facebook fan pages, and other high school Facebook pages already in existence. It is the intention of The Cardinal -- Arlingtoncardinal.com and Arlingtoncards.com to link to all of those that exist. The purpose of The Cardinal Reunion Edition is to have a central networking source for all activites, for announcements, for information gathering, and information sharing for all District 214 high schools and Saint Viator reunion and homecoming activities.

Current students: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to contribute information, dates and photos about your school to the REUNION EDITION Facebook fan page, too.

Existing Facebook Group Pages Noted on 10/25/2010 ...
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Arlington High School in Arlington Hgts, IL
Arlington Heights High School Alumni

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Buffalo Grove High School
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Hersey High School Football Schedule

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St. Viator High School Football Schedule

Arlington Heights Frontier Days

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