Pge One Test

Minutes – October 8, 2007
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7:30 P.M.
Trustees Present: A. Mulder, N. Breyer, J. Farwell, T. Hayes, H. Jensen,
   V. Kucera, B. Rosenberg, J. Scaletta, T. Stengren
Staff Present:  B. Dixon, D. Mikula, D. Staggs, T. Kuehne, J. Massarelli, Wm. Enright,   
   S. Shirley, D. Bowe, M. Reynolds
Others Present: Shelia Ahern, Daily Herald
   Graydon Megan, Chicago Tribune

4. Update – Intersection of Wilke and Northwest Highway
5. Cypress Detention Basin Study
6. Grove Street Storm Water Considerations
7. Proposed FY2008 – FY2013 Capital Improvement Program
8. Other Business
President Mulder called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and the Pledge of
Allegiance was recited.
4. Update – Intersection of Wilke and Northwest Highway
Bill Dixon, Village Manager, said this item was discussed at the Committee-of-the-
Whole meeting of July 9, 2007. Union Pacific Railroad installed a fence in the spring
of 2006 which effectively prevented pedestrians from crossing the tracks at
unauthorized locations. Pedestrians then shifted from crossing Northwest Highway
at mid-block to going to Wilke and Northwest Highway. This is a controlled
signalized intersection but has no pedestrian design or consideration.  
The Village’s Engineering Department, Public Works Department and Illinois
Department of Transportation (IDOT) have been working to create a safe crossing
at this intersection for pedestrians. Public Works completed some sidewalk and
striping at the end of August and IDOT will be installing temporary pedestrian traffic
controls this fall. This was the agreed upon temporary course of action.
IDOT has indicated that the originals goals associated with the Arlington Park Train
Station project included intersection improvements, but those were never
completed. Since that is the case IDOT said there is $2 million earmarked for
highway improvements as part of the Train Station and could be used to fund
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construction of permanent improvements at Wilke and Northwest Highway. After
discussions that followed the July 9th Committee-of-the-Whole meeting and with the
Board expressing some real concerns about the cost of the design fee, IDOT has
now said that they will participate up to a maximum of $100,000 in the design.
Staff considers this a break through as previously this expense was to be the sole
responsibility of the Village.  
At the July 9th meeting the Board also asked for a breakdown of the hours for both
the recommended firm and the second rated firm. This information has been
provided in the memo dated October 3, 2007 from Director of Engineering Jim
Massarelli. Not only are the hours different for the two firms but also there is a
significant fee reduction from the one firm which originally started out at $244,000
and is now at $178,000. With this reduction now IDOT is willing to go half. Mr.
Dixon went on to read the three recommendations as stated in the memo. Mr.
Dixon also referenced the letter from IDOT to Mayor Mulder dated August 3, 2007.
IDOT has asked that the Mayor, on behalf of the Village, indicate our concurrence
with this arrangement.
Trustee Farwell said he remembers from looking at his notes that Hampton, Lenzini
and Renwick (HLR) had the extensive experience and Homer Chastain had the
favorable figure by a significant amount. Trustee Farwell asked for an explanation
of the fee reduction. Mr. Dixon said they went from $244,000 to $200,000. Since
then staff has had a number of meetings and HLR went over their original contract
vs. a revision to that. The major reduction in costs comes from their not attending a
number of meetings where the Village will act as liaison between Arlington Park
Racecourse and this project. After looking at the scope HLR thought there was
additional land acquisition that may not be necessary and that was reduced
significantly in terms of the time and effort necessary for the acquisition. There was
also a reduction in the scope of work in terms of basic design and plan preparation.
Trustee Rosenberg asked about the schedule to complete the construction. Mr.
Massarelli said that it was thought to be a year and three months to a year and six
months from awarding contract to completion of plans. Right now it looks like staff
will let the construction project in the summer of 2009.  
Trustee Hayes said he was happy to see that HLR further reduced their proposal
from the $200,000 figure of July 9th. It was worthwhile for the Board to take a step
back and ask them to re-look at their numbers and hours.  
Mr. Dixon said that he feels the Mayor deserves some credit for her relationship
with the District Engineer of IDOT. It was the Mayor’s letter to the District Engineer
that shook lose some of the design money.  
Trustee Breyer asked if there is any concern with the possibility that the State may
not meet their financial obligation. Mr. Massarelli said that from staff’s experience
working with the State, once there is an agreement there are no problems.
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A. Authorize President Mulder to sign the letter from IDOT’s  District
 Engineer concerning their offer to fund 50% of the  Phase I and
 Phase II (design stage) of the Northwest Highway/Wilke Road
 intersection design to a maximum  funding from IDOT of $100,000;
B. Approve entering into a contract with HLR to design the Northwest
 Highway/Wilke Road intersection improvements for a not-to-
 exceed amount of $178,424 pending IDOT approval of the
 proposal from HLR;
C. Increase the Capital Projects Fund #401-5001-571.50-30 by
 $100,000 by increasing the grant revenue account by this same
 amount to reflect IDOT’s maximum participation in the design of the
 intersection improvements.
The motion carried unanimously.
5. Cypress Detention Basin Study
President Mulder said that flood mitigation has been an important component on
Village Board agendas for more than 20 years. There are still some areas that staff
has continued to study. This item is the seventh area and had to be put off because
of being more complicated.
Mr. Dixon said the direction from the Board was for staff to monitor this area during
times of heavy rainfall. Most recently after the August 23rd storm both the
observations and reports received from citizens indicate this area needs attention.
Three potential solutions have been identified for this area. Public Works is
recommending that $55,000 in this year’s budget in the Weller Creek Flood Control
South Branch account be used to initiate a design study for the necessary
Scott Shirley, Public Works Director, said that these are not mutually exclusive. The
remedy in this area could be parts or all three of the components. Mr. Shirley
discussed a schematic that was put together with the residents who live at 105 W.
White Oak being present. Mr. Shirley expla
ined that there was an in-house
extension made to the sewer that had some benefit.  
Mr. Shirley said staff is not looking for any approval at this meeting but to be
allowed to proceed to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP), receive some proposals
from engineering firms, analyze them and then bring staff’s recommendation to the
Board to award an engineering analysis.
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Trustee Rosenberg asked what time frame was expected as far as receiving bids.
Mr. Shirley said he would hope that there could be an RFP on the street within three
weeks. Engineering firms usually need three to four weeks to analyze the proposal
and ask questions. It could be two months before proposals are received. In two to
three months staff should be able to have a recommendation to the Board for
award of an engineering contract for the design analysis.  
Trustee Rosenberg asked if there was anything temporary that could be done to
help the residents in this area. Mr. Shirley said nothing that could make a
Trustee Scaletta asked if there is some work going on now at the detention basin.
Dennis Bowe, Superintendent of Utilities, said that a portion of the basin is being
enlarged to accommodate the detention that is necessary for a project that is going
on for People’s Bank.  
Trustee Scaletta wondered if it was a good idea to put the figure of $55,000 out for
public information and that it could look like we are trying to back into a figure. Mr.
Shirley explained that all he wanted to do was make the Board aware that we do
have some money to work with. It is entirely possible that the RFP could be less but
also possible that it could be more.
Trustee Kucera asked that the O’Mara family be allowed to ask any pertinent
questions they may have. This issue affects a number of the neighbors.
Linda O’Mara said they have lived in the area for seven years and it has been
upsetting to go through this with all the different rain events and levels of trying to
keep their home safe as well as having a child in the house. Many times they have
tried to get the water out of the street with neighbors coming to help. Cars are
driving through heavy water that throws waves at their house and it comes to the
door. Even though Public Works tries to barricade the area, cars still drive through.
Sean O’Mara said they are not talking inches but feet. They have found these
incidents to be very frightening. Mr. O’Mara thanked Dennis Bowe for his help by
blocking the street. The water may not come into their basement but it definitely
comes up to their front door and it takes a long time for the water to recede after
the rain calms down.
Ms. O’Mara said she is thankful that this issue has finally gotten to where it is and
hopefully it won’t take too much longer to feel safe.  
WORKS DIRECTOR. The motion carried unanimously.
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6. Grove Street Storm Water Considerations
Mr. Dixon said the August 23, 2007 storm is a consideration for this issue. It was a
good storm to still show where there were problems in the Village despite the
expenditure of $75 million over a 20 year period. The Grove Street sewer area has
been worked on for ten years. There was a proposal presented to the Metropolitan
Water Reclamation District (MWRD) that was rejected. The Village retained a
consultant and went to MWRD with a second proposal which was also rejected.
The latest design concept, if MWRD accepts it, will result in a detailed plan being
completed and further discussion with the Board will then be warranted. This is a
good reminder that in the case of when sanitary sewer is involved, while looking for
some public sector measures that could assist with solving the problems in the
Grove Street sewer area, the most effective method is overhead sewers to protect
from backups. A Village rebate of $2,500 is offered for the installation of overhead
sewers. So far three property owners have availed themselves of the program.
President Mulder asked Mr. Massarelli what the reasons are for the negative
response from MWRD to the prior proposals. Mr. Massarelli said this are is
somewhat unique being considered a separate sewer area. Unfortunately it drains
into a combined sewer area. There are rules and regulations for the separate sewer
area where the homes are but the discharge is going into a combined sewer which
creates more difficulty in terms of design and getting MWRD to accept suggestions.
Mr. Massarelli said staff started looking at this issue back in 1997 as part of the
large Weller Creek TARP system connection that was made in the early ‘90’s. The
Village tried to get this area to drain into the park system connection. MWRD at
that time said that area could only handle combined sewer areas. The problem is
focused on the Grove Street sewer.  
One of the alternatives was to create underground detention. Unfortunately it is a
sanitary sewer so MWRD says that cannot be done without some very special
modifications which become extremely expensive in terms of maintenance of the
detention basis. The second alternative was to enlarge the pipe going from an 8”
sewer to a 24” sewer. In that instance MWRD stated that the Village could not do
that because it is a separate sewer area and the sanitary sewer sizes are limited to
the tributary areas’ number of homes that drain to them.
What staff is trying to do now as a third alternative is to create a deeper sewer. As
you get closer to the east end of town the sewer is very shallow and creates a
problem for the people who live along Dale. What staff intends to propose is to
make the sewer deeper and give additional relief hydraulically to the residents. The
negative impact is that it needs to be lifted through a lift station into its discharge
point. The biggest obstacles that staff has right now are the costs and where the lift
station would go.
Trustee Scaletta said since MWRD tells staff what they can’t do, do they ever
suggest how to get there. Mr. Massarelli said the one item that is extremely difficult
to do is the elimination of the storm water. The homes were built in times where
the rules were much different than they are now. The house itself drains into one
system which includes foundation drains. Most of the gutters have been eliminated
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but the biggest influx of storm water is from the foundation drains that drain from
the home and go directly into the sanitary sewer. MWRD states that this needs to
be eliminated but to do that the residents have a great burden on them to separate
the system within their home.  
Trustee Breyer asked if each of the homes in the area had overhead sewers, would
the problem be solved. Mr. Massarelli said the problem of basement backup would
be solved. Trustee Breyer asked if overhead sewers were installed, would that
eliminate the need for the sewer. Mr. Massarelli said staff would have to analyze
what impact that would have but more than likely the sewer would not be
Trustee Breyer asked if it would be cheaper to give a b
igger subsidy to do the
overhead sewer. Mr. Massarelli said as part of their next step they are going to look
at the costs and compare them.
Trustee Farwell said that maybe the $2,500 subsidy is a little on the light side.
President Mulder said that Trustee Farwell is suggesting that this number be re-
assessed and that is why it might not be an incentive.  
STAFF. The motion carried unanimously.
7. Proposed FY2008 – FY2013 Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
Mr. Dixon explained that the Proposed FY2009 CIP budget decreased 20% from the
prior year and totals $21.4 million or $5.5 million less than last year. The previous
three years have included significant expenditures for public building construction.
Approval of the CIP does not authorize expenditure of money. After approval by the
Board staff would incorporate the first year of the plan into the proposed FY2009
budget which will be developed with the Board’s participation over the next few
Looking at the first of the five fiscal years one of the components for the first year
is funding for activities in the Water & Sewer Fund. This is an area that has not
received much attention from a revenue standpoint over the last decade.  
Tom Kuehne, Finance Director/Treasurer, said the CIP has decreased over the prior
couple of years as the Village has had a lot of public building improvements. The
real focus for the next few years will be street resurfacing, construction and Water
Fund issues.
Trustee Rosenberg referenced Page: CPF-1 where it talks about the street program
costs indicating increases of roughly 14-17% per year. Both he and Trustee Farwell
are concerned that no one knows the stability of oil. It seems the cost per mile has
gone up over two times of what it was six years ago. It seems that many more
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dollars have been added but not getting that much more for what is being done.
Trustee Rosenberg asked if anyone had any thoughts on how to prevent this.
Mr. Dixon said what is being referenced is the result of a competitive bid process.
What is being alluded to is what petroleum costs have done to the cost of asphalt.
Mr. Kuehne said this is a valid concern and one staff has discussed at length at the
CIP meetings. TIF I was dissolved and the money that was generated previously by
TIF I was applied to the street resurfacing program. It is also recommended that in
the future the same thing be done with TIF II. If the assumption in costs is
incorrect there are two places to look at; 1) a $200,000 contingency built into the
Capital Projects Fund each and every year; and 2) there is a fairly decent fund
balance in this Fund and even after five years there will still be about $1.5 million
left there. There is some room to re-look at this next year.
President Mulder said it looks as if the Village has plateaued with the Motor Fuel Tax
(MFT) Fund. She knows the State is taking more out of the collections before the
money is distributed. This is not a place the Village can look for help.
Trustee Breyer asked if the politicians in Washington enacted additional taxes on
oil, would that affect the Village as far as the cost of creating the asphalt. Mr.
Kuehne said it would. Trustee Breyer asked if anyone has ever lobbied these big
spenders about things like this. Mr. Dixon said the contractors probably have.
Trustee Rosenberg asked Mr. Massarelli if the Village can do something differently
to try and save any dollars on the paving as far as joining together with any other
municipalities to combat the pricing. Mr. Massarelli said staff has been looking at
these options the last few years. Staff is going to different seminars listening to
different techniques on how to do things. There are a couple of different techniques
staff is looking into applying a sealer/rejuvenator type material a couple of years
after a street is paved. Staff is not quite convinced that it does much after looking
at some communities that have been doing it for five or six years. There are also
some different methods of utilizing existing materials that are available.  
One of the changes made by the Engineering Department is to change the
resurfacing program from MFT funding to the Capital funding. The reconstruction
has also been shifted to the MFT Fund.  
Trustee Scaletta asked about the emergency generator for the Senior Center. Mr.
Dixon said while this has been in the CIP staff has not taken movement to spend
the money. There is a grant application pending with FEMA. The reason this is in
the CIP is because the Senior Center is a warming/cooling center. If there was a
power outage or major problem people would be directed to the Senior Center.
However, there is not an emergency source of power at the Senior Center. There
has been some indication from the State that the Village may be receiving a grant.
With the current situation with the State budget and no paper yet to formalize the
grant, staff is still pursuing the grant at the Federal level. This project will probably
be rolled over to next year.
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The Trustees asked for a definition of the spike shown in the chart for Revenues vs.
Expenditures FY2004-FY2013. Mr. Kuehne said one of the reasons would be the
additional $1 million transferred from the General Fund to the Capital Projects
Fund. This money is planned for street resurfacing. The other is the Northwest
Highway/Wilke intersection improvements which is a very large project which the
Village is absorbing this year. Staff budgets projects but they do not always get
done but get forwarded to the next year. This figure may actually turn out to be
lower this year with next year’s being higher. For budgetary purposes, if there is a
possibility of the project being done this year then it is shown.  
Trustee Farwell said that in speaking with Mr. Kuehne earlier it seems that the
current year in a five-year projection always seems to have a bump of some sort.
Mr. Kuehne explained that you always have a list of things that need to get done
but they don’t always get done because of weather, design issues or a grant does
not come in. The project tends to get pushed off a little bit more which tends to
flatten the peak a little more into the future.
Trustee Rosenberg said there seems to be a lot of bicycle path maintenance. Mr.
Kuehne said there are a group of these requests that depend on Safe Routes to
School funding. These were put in the CIP as expenditures and they have been
shown on the revenue side for grants. If the grants do not come in then the
requests will not get done. The other requests will be funded out of the Bicycle
Commission requests for funding for improvements to the bike system.
Trustee Farwell asked if staff has received any kind of requests to look into the
South Arlington Heights Road/Street beautification. Bill Enright, Deputy Director of
Planning & Community Development, said there is money budgeted under one of
the projects that are planned for beautification in the major arterials. The only one
that is real definitive is Northwest Highway near Davis.
Mr. Kuehne explained that the Motor Fuel Tax Fund is consistent from year to year
with t
he Street Rehabilitation Program expense coming in at about $2 million each
year. This Fund is fairly similar to what was seen last year.
Trustee Rosenberg said the Boeger Drive Extension has been labeled “DISC” and
was wondering if this is a project that staff expected to be done. Mr. Massarelli
said, yes, it will be completed. It is still necessary to purchase some property,
which is in court right now, before the project can be completed.  
President Mulder commended staff for being more aggressive and seeking out
grants to help with the road projects, along with the utilization of Federal funds.
Mr. Kuehne pointed out that a lot of information had been provided for the Water &
Sewer Fund. In the past couple of years there has been discussion on this Fund and
the operating expenses increasing over the years as well as the significant capital
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There has been no rate increase for ten years. At this time it is necessary to
consider a rate increase for the future for the financial stability of this Fund. Various
scenarios have been outlined for consideration. A survey has also been included of
various municipalities and what their water and sewer rates are. The survey does
show that the Village is close to the average for water rates but significantly under
the average for sewer rates. It is necessary to look at the combined rate as that is
the flow of revenue for the water and sewer system. The Village is significantly
under on the combined rate with the Village rate being $4 per 1,000 gallons with
the average for other communities being $4.55. The charts that have been provided
help to show what an increase would do in the long term. Staff has recommended
some multi-year increases.
President Mulder said one of the concerns of the Board is justification of an
increase, which has already begun. Mr. Kuehne pointed out that there have been
ongoing discussions with the City of Evanston concerning a possible increase, and
staff is not sure where this will end up. Mr. Dixon said that Evanston is the Village’s
source of Lake Michigan water.  
President Mulder said that the philosophy has always been to charge what it
actually costs. A number of mandates have come out from National Security
making sure the water supplies are secure. There are a number of things that are
being required. President Mulder asked if that is part of the reason why the Village
cannot absorb the additional expenses. Mr. Kuehne said there have been mandates,
but after ten years of no revenue increases the day of reckoning has come. There is
still a good fund balance in the Fund but staff is trying to be proactive so they will
not have to come to the Board and say that rates need to be increased a significant
amount. Staff is proposing more moderate rate increases over a longer period of
Trustee Hayes asked if a recommendation was being looked for at this meeting or
not until November. Mr. Dixon said this is a first see for the Board tonight. If the
Board has a clear sentiment that they are interested in this, then it should be
brought out for discussion. The Board may prefer to mull this issue over first and
then do something in November. Trustee Hayes said he feels the time is right after
ten years to get the Village’s rates in line with the average of what other
communities are doing. He would like to wait until November in order to have time
to look over the various options.
Trustee Hayes asked why the Federal Stormwater Regulation Measures are listed as
“Essential” as opposed to “Obligated”, and exactly what is it. Dennis Bowe said the
Village has a permit from the U.S. E.P.A. for an operation that is called Municipal
Separate Storm Sewer System. Attached to that permit are various regulations to
optimize or improve water quality. Many are simply public outreach programs. The
Village is audited twice a year by I.E.P.A. to see if they are doing best management
practices to optimize stormwater quality. The Village is receiving the minimum
amount of money to comply with the regulations until they become more specific.
Mr. Kuehne said the category will be changed from Essential to Obligated.
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Trustee Farwell said this is one fund that is negatively impacted by the pension
requirements that the Village has. Trustee Farwell said he would like to see an
analysis over the course of a year showing potential expense reductions and the
negative impact they would cause. This might be a prudent time to bring up issues
so the Board will be ready next summer to see if there are any cost cutting
measures that may be instituted.  
Trustee Rosenberg asked if staff has a recommendation from the options that were
provided. Mr. Kuehne said that the first option was prepared to show what it would
take to get the Village to the average of where everyone else is now in one year. At
the end of five years; however, it does not provide coverage of operating or capital
expenditures. The staff recommendation is Exhibit W-6 which shows five years of
moderate increases and it addresses the operating and capital needs for the entire
time. Exhibit W-7 also does that but it appeared to generate more money than is
Trustee Rosenberg asked what the average resident increase would be for their
water bill. Mr. Kuehne referenced Exhibit W-8 which showed the estimated
increases. Mr. Dixon said the Board may choose to deal with the first couple of
years and reserve the right to revisit the issue. Typically, when working with the
Board, it has always been in two to five year time frames.  
The Board agreed to revisit this issue in November and be ready with their
suggestions. Mr. Dixon asked the Board if they were interested in doing what
Trustee Farwell suggested as far as the expense analysis. Trustee Farwell said the
analysis may help to define certain costs on the operations side of the Water &
Sewer Fund that might bring the Operating Expenditures down a bit which then
helps the overall fund balance long term, just like what was recently done with the
General Fund.  
Trustee Farwell asked if the Automated Meter Reading program is as efficient and
fulfilling as anticipated. Mr. Bowe said the Village is going on its first year of
completion so there is not a real good handle. Intuitively, staff knows the new
meters are more accurate than the old ones. Right now it is not possible to quantify
what the savings are. The meter reading costs have gone down and are more
efficient. Mr. Bowe indicated that he could prepare an analysis on this program.
Trustee Scaletta asked what the North Garage security encompasses. Mr. Bowe said
that the Talk-A-Phone security devices will be installed throughout the garage
similar to the Vail Garage. It is a security call box for emergency purposes.
Trustee Rosenberg asked Mr. Enright what the big items were in the $1,382,400
Downtown redevelopment project in TIF II. Mr. Enright said there were a couple of
recommendations from the Downtown Task Force. Decorative light poles have been
installed throughout Downtown and the Task Force is looking to possibly expand
this to different locations at the north end of Arlington Heights and along Northwest
Highway. There is also a recommendation for the closure of Miner Street between
Dunton and Northwest Highway to add a public plaza.
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President Mulder said she would like to see “Discover Arlingto
n” taken out of the
Arts, Entertainment & Events Fund (A&E). She said there were six other Trustees
who agreed with her comment. President Mulder said she would like to see this
money come out of the General Fund. Trustee Scaletta said it is necessary to re-
evaluate some of the events and their costs. Trustee Farwell said it would be a good
idea to try and get more sponsorships from the businesses.
Trustee Farwell said that given the memo the Trustees received in their Friday
packets, he was wondering if some type of budget projection should be done for
repair of sculptures in the future. Trustee Jensen said it was almost justification to
stop the program. Mr. Dixon said the sculpture locations can be controlled better
and also a selection of sturdier sculptures the Village is willing to lease.
IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,444,600. The motion carried unanimously.
8. Other Business
There being no further business to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the
meeting at 10:06 p.m.

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